
The Company

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Solar Megawatt, with branch offices in Bucharest, is a specialized asset management, private equity and acquisition advisory firm with a primary focus on the Renewable Energy sector.

Through a large business network, Solar Megawatt has the ability to provide solutions with insight for minimal risk and the technical know-how to develop and maximize opportunities.

We provide consulting services to clients introducing sustainable energy projects and implementing energy efficiency solutions. In addition to energy consulting, we offer vendor/retail services to clients and renewable energy companies aiming to penetrate new markets and segments, placing products and services, while optimizing their business development strategies.

With our long-standing recognized expertise in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Management, we aim to provide the highest quality of consultancy and technical services


Providing key insight and consulting

We welcome the challenge for innovation and sustainable development.

Renewable Energy

Solar Megawatt is a first class provider of low-carbon technologies. Our mission is to remain at the forefront of competitive energy efficiency solutions for residential and commercial premises.